Sunday, February 10, 2019

Love, Live and Laugh

Love and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.

Love is not something you can touch; its a warm feeling that comes from deep inside your soul, like a hot flash.

Love has no age barrier, so when it strikes it still makes your heart flutter like a butterfly.

And its not to be confused with atrial flutter.

As we age together, we must remember to remain young at heart. Our body may change but not our soul.

When I was having a slight crisis about aging, my husband turned around and said, It doesnt matter if you have a few wrinkles, youre still you inside.

I said, Its true that love is blind. But hes right.

Forget about age, LOVE, LIVE, and LAUGH.

Happy Valentines Day

Just a reminder, Susanna Leonard Hills Valentine Writing Contest.

Post your story between 12:00 AM EDT Wednesday, February 13th and Thursday, February 14th by 11:59 PM EDT. Click here for more details. 

Oh! I have a website. Curious? click here.